
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

winter watchables and other enjoyables

For a little while I've wanted to do posts on here about things I find on the internet that I think other people should see. It's also quite plainly winter and the majority of things that I see are limited to my computer screen. I generally conjure up ideas for the posts at about 4am, but now I find myself with an idea at an appropriate time. Hooray!

First item is of most importance: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows trailer. There are a few different versions going around, but m'colleague Stacey was kind enough to alert me to this new version earlier today. I am so invested in the series it's a bit frightening, but not as frightening as the ratio of quality acting to graphics and CGI (1:100). Emma Watson, will your boobs remain consistent throughout in this film (see: Prisoner of Azkaban)? Will you wear Burberry as you fight Death Eaters?

Another thing I found last night is this really cool adaptation of one of Basho's renku. He is one of the early haiku masters, for those who don't know (or at least this is my limited understanding of him). It's a collection of animations called Fuyu no Hi, apparently only released in Japan and France and somewhere else. Sooo if anyone's going there anytime soon, please pick me up a copy. Youtube does have each of the different animations (there are 36) but you know.. I just want it.

Other awesome things I've found over the last couple of weeks include a blog called 'this is why you're fat' (it's not like I was wondering) that just has all these ridiculously obese combinations of food. A bouquet of bacon! A cookie dough cheesecake! The normal reaction should be "oh god how could anyone eat that stuff"!?! But I'm sure I'd find a way.

Another resident favourite is the amaaaahhzing 'what Claudia wore', a breakdown of outfits mentioned in the Babysitter's Club series by Ann M. Martin. As an avid reader of that series and all its spinoffs, I was drooling all over the nostalgia and enjoying the rampant fandom from Kim Hutt, who writes the blog.

While I'm at it, I really like the teatowels that this cool guy from Liverpool makes, this gorgeous site of felt wares that m'colleague featured on her blog recently - oh I do love Kiwis! I wish Australia had a trademe equivalent. I keep discovering awesome things that I want to make, buy, eat or do but I am so poor that the first thing I need to get is a job! In the meantime, there's always cute blogs - my housemate alerted me to this adorable food blog called Epicute. So freakin' sweet.

And also I am in love with everyone at Voiceworks mag and if you live in Melbourne I hope you're going to come to the launch of the next issue on Friday, where I will be pretending to fit in with these really nice people who have foolishly accepted me into the fold (their folds? creepy). I was also spurred on to read this speech by David Foster Wallace. I've wanted to read Infinite Jest for some time now and it seems to be really rather important.

I'm also going to, for the umpteenth time, attempt to begin to crochet. My internet will be uncapped later this week and I intend to indulge myself in various tutorials. Although I find the abundance of exclamation marks and cheeriness wholeheartedly offputting, meet me at mike's is somewhat helpful.

Anyway I think I've got half a pudding in the fridge.

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